Sunday, 15 February 2009

Send this guy out to take out cannon crews etc he is a pain to opposing generals.
This unit is 2 wraiths and a banshee perfect for wood elves with the hail of doom arrow to shoot at

At the moment these guys are graveguard, they use the armoured bodies and heads that you got in the old skeletons box sets, all told this unit has 63 guys in it,this unit is perfect for a wight with the battle standard,guess what magic banner he uses? give the unit standard bearer the banner of the barrows and put another vampire in the unit and your opponent has a big job on his hands killing this unit.
This unit can either be black knights or blood knights either way they can be lethal on the charge, stick a mounted vampire in with them and let the bloodspilling commence.

zombies lots of them is the idea they are not the best troops but lots of them means that combats should be well drawn out,if they do manage to break the enemy then all the better.
A big unit of zombies, the idea is to have 2 huge units of 70 zombies to bog down the enemies best units,3 ranks standard and hopefully outnumber giving you a combat resolution of 5 without killing anything.
42 skeletons,this unit has hand weapons, a vampire or two close to them with the right powers and helm of commandment and these guys will be around for a while. This unit just needs shields and it will be finished.
42 skeletons with spears,banner of hellfire for an extra 10pts gives all your guys flaming attacks bring on the treemen.
A nice unit of 28 ghouls, tough with 2 poisened attacks toughness 4, great unit to put a hero in with, give the hero talisman of the lycini and another hero the item that allows the ghouls a free move before the game, allows your rock hard vampire the chance of combat in turn 1.
Unit of 5 wolves supposed to be for flank attacks, more often than not a nice easy target for enemy missile troops.

Hi this is the army as it is at present.

This i how it looks at present, i have been a bit distracted over the winter and not finished any of the other units that i was wanting to add.

I am now going to take pictures of all the finished units and list them so you can get a better look at them. then through the week i will dig out all the other stuff i have lying about picture them and come up with a plan of attack for raising them up for battle.